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The Beatles personal involvement in Yellow Submarine was somewhat minimal. They did not even do their own voices in the animated feature until a cameo appearance at the end of the film. However, John Lennon did express frustration because he felt that some of the ideas that the Beatles had suggested for the film which were actually being used in the feature, were not being given the official acknowledgment that he felt was deserved.

As time passed and the Beatles fully came to the realization that this was becoming quite the unique groundbreaking and trailblazing animated film, they made a cameo appearance at the end of the feature! The film has received tremendous accolades over the years.

Years later Robert Zemeckis planned to do a darker version computer generated remake of the film but the project was abandoned when his studio closed shop:

Here is the story:

The Cursed History of The Beatles and Robert Zemeckis’ CGI ‘Yellow Submarine’ Movie (

The Beatles Yellow Submarine
The Beatles Yellow Submarine

Possibly the most important contributor to the film “Yellow Submarine”, was Heinz Edelmann, whose character design set the tone for this marvelous fantasy feature. Below is a rare signature as Heinz rarely signed Yellow Submarine related items.

Heinz Edelmann was a Czechoslovakian/German illustrator and designer who passed away in 2009.

Heinz Edelmann Signature
Heinz Edelmann Signature

The voice of Paul:

Geoffrey William Hughes who passed away in 2012 was an English actor.

Geoffery Hughes
Geoffery Hughes

The voice of Fred: Lance Percival

John Lancelot Blades Percival who died in 2015, known as Lance Percival, was an English actor, comedian and singer.

Lance Percival
Lance Percival

The voices of Jeremy Hilary Boob, Lord Mayor, and Max: Dick Emery

Richard Gilbert Emery who passed away in 1983 was an English comedian and comic actor.

Dick Emery
Dick Emery

The voice of John: John Clive

John Clive who passed away in 2012, was an English actor and author.

John Clive Signature
John Clive Signature

Al Brodax

Instrumental in the creation of the Beatles Cartoon series, Al Brodax was also heavily involved in the creation of the film. Here is one of his signatures that I have:

Albert Philip Brodax who passed away in 2016, was an American film and television producer who in Beatles circles will always be remembered for his production of the Beatles cartoons and the highly successful Beatles animated film entitled “Yellow Submarine.”

Al Brodax
Al Brodax
Al Brodax Signature
Al Brodax Signature

Erich Wolf Segal who passed away in 2010 was an American author, screenwriter, and educator.

Erich Segal, a Yale University English professor and author who wrote the screenplay for the hit movie “Love Story”, was also involved as being one of the writers for the Yellow Submarine feature film. HIs involvement in the film according to several YS books was very stressful, but you will need to read the Bob Hieronimus “Yellow Submarine” books to find out why. This is one of Erich’s signatures in my collection:

Erich Segal
Erich Segal

While Mr. Segal was at Yale, the Yale Literary Magazine in their March 1968 issue did a feature cover story about the Beatles animated film. I acquired a copy of this magazine a few years ago and it can be very expensive to acquire now!

Considered the first Beatles failure, though in recent years there has been a reevaluation of the merits of the film.

Magical Mystery Tour

Magical Mystery Tour
Magical Mystery Tour

Nat Jackley as “The Rubber Man”:

Nat Jackley born as Nathaniel Tristram Jackley Hirsch passed away in 1988 was an English comic actor who starred in variety, film and pantomime from the 1920s to the mid-1980s.

Nat Jackley
Nat Jackley

Nat Jackley again:

Nat Jackley
Nat Jackley

Ivor Cutler: As well as being a comedic actor, Ivor was also a musician

Ivor Cutler born as Isadore Cutler, who passed away in 2006, was a Scottish poet, singer, musician, songwriter, artist and would also be considered a humorist.

Ivor Cutler
Ivor Cutler

The signature of Ivor Cutler:

Ivor Cutler Signature
Ivor Cutler Signature

Little Nicola –

Nikki Hale, courteously and kindly sent me these two signed photos. These two photos are respectfully dedicated to the memory of Nikki’s mom, Pamela Hale who passed away a few years ago.

Little Nicola Hale was only five years old when the magical Mystery Tour was filmed.

Little Nicola
Little Nicola

Vivian Stanshall, a member of the Bonzo Dog Doo-Dah Band:

Vivian Stanshall born as Victor Anthony Stanshall, passed away in 1995. He was an English singer-songwriter, musician, author, and poet. He is best known for his work with the Bonzo Dog Doo-Dah Band. 

Vivian Stanshill SIgnature
Vivian Stanshill SIgnature

Derek Royle as Jolly Jimmy:

Derek Stanley Royle who passed away in 1990 was a British actor.

Derek Royle
Derek Royle

Spencer Davis,

from the Spencer Davis group was on the Magical Mystery Tour:

Spencer Davis born as Spencer David Nelson Davies, who passed away in 2020, was a Welsh musician. He founded the Spencer Davis Group which had several hits.

Spencer Davis
Spencer Davis

Victor Spinetti had the best dialog in MMT! LOL….

Victor’s biographical information appears on several other posts on this blog.

Victor Spinetti
Victor Spinetti

Neil Innes

The late great Neil Innes signed this Rutles promo. He was also in MMT as a member of the Bonzo Dog Doo-Dah Band.

Neil James Innes who passed away in 2019 was an English writer, comedian and musician. The songwriter in the Rutles, member of the Bonzo Dog Doo-Dah Band and a contributor to the Monty Python shenanigans!

Neil Innes
Neil Innes

What are your thoughts on Yellow Submarine and mAgical Mystery Tour? Did The Beatles deserve the criticism they got? Let me know in the comments.



  1. No, they didn’t deserve the criticism they got! MMT was shown in BLACK & WHITE by the morons at the BBC! And Yellow Submarine is a classic! Dhani Harrison was chased by his schoolmates who were singing Yellow Submarine. He came home and said to his dad, “Why didn’t you tell me you were in the Beatles?!” George replied “Yeah, I suppose I should have.” And for MMT, Freda Kelly showed up the first day in her least favorite dress, saving the “good stuff” for later and was crushed to find out due to continuity on the film, she had to wear the same dress the entire time! ☹️ And as Paul McCartney said about MMT, “Where else are you going to see John Lennon sing “I Am The Walrus?”

    1. NJ-Sometimes, it is better for a little time to pass by, before we see the true value of something to truly shine through. With the Beatles, we don’t have to worry! Their legacy and the quality of their work is assured for the ages!

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