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Bought this wonderful limited edition and signed book of The Beatles Illustrated Lyrics back in 2017 from Waterstones Bookstore in the UK. Unfortunately that was also the year that graphic artist/illustrator Alan Aldridge passed away.

Alan not only had a unique artistic vision as it applied to the Beatles. His illustrations of Beatles songs sparked many spirited conversations concerning his interpretations of the songs. Aldridge also had a very distinctive signature when he signed his books as you will see below. He had an association with John Lennon, giving John a print of his illustrated lyric of John’s song “Dr. Robert”, and also designing a John Lennon ‘Superman’ book cover!

The signed edition portrayed below was limited to 1,500 copies!

The Beatles Illustrated Lyrics
The Beatles Illustrated Lyrics

The back cover of the book

The Beatles Illustrated Lyrics
The Beatles Illustrated Lyrics

The signature page

Signed Page
Signed Page

A note from Alan:

John Lennon as Superman

Aldridge also did a reprinted cover image for one of John Lennon’s books. He portrayed Lennon as Superman, but was forced to change the ‘S’ to avoid copyright problems. I believe Alan also took the photo of the front cover of the book.

The Penguin John Lennon
The Penguin John Lennon

Volumes 1 and 2 of Aldridge’s successful hardcovers from 1969 and 1971. Published by Delacorte

Volume One and Two of The Beatles Illustrated Lyrics
Volumes One and Two of The Beatles Illustrated Lyrics

Another distinctive example of Aldridge’s unique signature:

Do you have these books? What do you think of his illustrations? Has he captured the lyrics? Let me know in the comments.


Some more books on The Beatles and Music


  1. This was one of my first books on the Beatles and is still in my book collection today. I still like it very much. The illustrations are simply marvellous. I have the German edition from 1969.

  2. I have 2 copies of the 1981 revised edition with them dressed in their Sgt. Pepper outfits on the cover. (one in better shape than the other) And one copy of the 1978 revised edition with the famous 1963 photo of them in their collarless gray suits and Paul has a cigarette in his hand!

  3. Ahhh, bought the original hardcovers when they first came out…not signed, of course…love these books. Never saw the other editions or the Superman John cover which is so much fun. Thanks for featuring them.

    1. Hello Laurie: Hope the readers of this blog check out your great book about the Beatles at Shea Stadium entitled “Top of the Mountain” The Beatles at Shea Stadium 1965. by Laurie Jacobson (Author)  Rowman & Littlefield Publishers

  4. Volume 1 was one of my first two Beatle books when I was 9 and had just discovered The Beatles for myself. It went, ahem, here, there & everywhere with me. My original beaten-up copy is still a part of my Beatles library

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