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Jackie Lomax

Jackie Lomax and George Harrison
Jackie Lomax Heavy Jelly
Jackie Lomax Heavy Jelly

Jackie Lomax

This is technically not a print product like a book or a magazine but it can hold tangential interest to Beatles fans on a number of fronts just the same.

This recording was released in 2014 on the Angel Hair label. It had previously been unreleased though it did appear previously on a bootleg recording. The recording was made back in 1970 while Apple Records was beginning to go through its disintegration. Despite being the first artist to sign with Apple Records, Jackie Lomax became aware, as Allen Klein came into the picture, that perhaps Apple was no longer the nirvana that people had envisioned.

Track List
Track List

Contributing Musicians

Not officially released during his lifetime, Jackie’s family was able to finally negotiate a posthumous release of the LP on cd. Of additional interest to Beatles fans, Pete Ham and Tom Evans, Apple artists from the group Badfinger, sing backing harmonies on track 8 and Bobby Keys and Jim Price, horn players who have backed John, George and Ringo also played on this LP.

The Cast of Musicians Who Contributed
The Cast of Musicians Who Contributed


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Apple to The Core – The Unmaking of The Beatles

Apple to The Core

Apple to the Core was the book that attempted to get to the heart of the Beatles business problems which ultimately led to their breakup. There were several editions of this book released with many cover variations – some of which are below. The most difficult edition of this book to find is the hardback, 1972 edition. The book was co-written by authors Peter McCabe and Robert D. Schonfeld.

The hardback is of course more expensive, so it is often the case, the hardback editions are issued briefly as a quick run then the softback or paperback editions take over the bulk of the sales of the title. Even when titles are released simultaneously in both hardback and softcover, the bookstores would often choose to stock only the softcover. I do not know how you feel about this issue, but I personally prefer hardcover books as they are more durable over time. Often, the paper used for hardcovers is superior and the yellowing of pages is a much longer process. Of course, hardcovers usually have a superior binding as well.

In regard to the book below, the picture is the hardcover, with a selection of other covers below it. Despite having a huge Beatles book library, I went many years without even knowing there was a hardcover edition of the book until I acquired one a few years ago on the Abe Books Bookstore/search service.


Apple to The Core - The Unmaking of The Beatles
Apple to The Core – The Unmaking of The Beatles
Apple to the Core
Apple to the Core – Alternative Cover
Apple to the Core
Apple to the Core – Another Cover
Apple to the Core
Apple to the Core – yet another different cover