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John Lennon, Elton John and Joe Pope?

When the (Joe) Pope visited Madison Square Garden to see John Lennon and Elton John

Strawberry Fields Not Forever

For those of you who never got the chance to meet the late Joe Pope, the originator of the early Beatles fanzine “Strawberry Fields Forever”, you really missed knowing a great guy. Joe was a true Beatles fan from the word “go.” He organized the great first Beatles convention at the Bradford Hotel (though not authorized by the Beatles) in Boston.

This was soon to be followed by the first authorized fest by the Beatles organized by impresario, Mark Lapidos, in NY. Joe was also instrumental through his magazine to help fans purchase copies of George Harrison’s signed book “I Me Mine” at a greatly reduced price through Genesis publishers. He was also to distribute special 45’s of the Decca audition with special picture sleeves.

Joe produced 52 issues of the Strawberry Fields fanzine, often on an irregular publishing schedule, but that never lessened the anticipation for each new issue when they arrived via bulk mail filled with special features and much Beatles-related news. Later, Joe was to develop a special call-in phone number which you could call to get all of the latest Beatles news. Remember, this was all pre-internet. Joe and his wife Cindy would soon move from Boston to the West Coast (San Diego) and Strawberry Fields Forever came to a halt.

Little is known that Joe was to create a 2nd fanzine entitled A Thousand Pages-Give or Take a Few which only published 6 issues which I discovered by accident on Ebay. This fanzine served as a Beatles clipping service and was probably a bit easier for Joe to organize than a regular fanzine, especially when Joe discovered that he was suffering from cancer. Joe fought the brave fight but passed away in 1999. He is missed by all that were lucky enough to have known him! As a sample of his storytelling ability, here is an exciting story from issue #13 of Strawberry Fields Forever telling the story of how Joe Pope got to see John Lennon’s appearance on Thanksgiving 1974 at Madison Square Garden with Elton John.

Transcribed by John Bezzini from issue #13 of SFF- article written by Joe Pope 


     The rumors had started almost two weeks before Thanksgiving: John Lennon was all set to appear with Elton John at Madison Square Garden! As the date grew closer, several things happened to firm up the rumors…John flew up to Boston with Elton John ‘…just to watch the show…’: then a one line mention in Billboard of the possibility of John’s appearing: and finally a phone call from a close friend at Capitol records. That was enough for us; we packed our bags and headed for the train station.

     We arrived at Madison Square Garden at 1:00 PM the day of the concert. Though the show wasn’t scheduled to begin for some seven hours, the first few scalpers and the first Eltomaniacs had already begun to arrive. In a short time it became apparent that getting a ticket would be no problem; getting a good seat however, was something else again! We passed up over 100 offers of tickets ranging from 40 rows back on the floor to the highest balcony for prices of anywhere from face value to $100.00.

     Finally at 6 o’clock our patience was rewarded. A twentyish looking guy in a security guard uniform came by: “Two front row tickets for sale”, he yelled. We jumped up and grabbed him before the rest of the ticket seekers could find out what he had. “How much you want for ’em?” we asked. “$30.00 each”, he said. “I’m not tryin to rip anybody off man, it’s just that I waited out all night for “em.” “So how come you’re not going yourself?” “I am”, he said. “I got another one for myself, cheaper, up in the balcony.” We gave him the money.

     We were sitting in the front row about four feet from the stage when Elton came on and it was fabulous. But what made it more fabulous was the extra mike stand that wasn’t being used… it was directly in front of us! and that, we figured, must be for John Lennon……………….

     Elton introduced him about 3/4 through the show to a TREMENDOUS ovation. And suddenly there he was, just a few feet in front of us, and looking incredibly young and healthy, long light brown hair flowing like from the “Abbey Road” days. John Lennon dressed completely in black, except for his brown cowboy boots (on the heel of which he wears his backstage pass!). Then suddenly John, backed by Elton’s band, piledrives into “Whatever Gets You Through the Night.” 

     Between songs John nervously, almost compulsively, munches on a piece of gum. He was happy to be on stage but still a bit unsure of himself in this first concert appearance in three years.

     Together, now, they slow the pace down for “Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds” with Elton singing lead and John joining him in the chorus. And John introduces the next song: It’s an old one,” he says, “and we’re not even sure we know it.” And suddenly we can’t believe our eyes and ears as John Lennon stands four feet away from us singing, : “I Saw Her Standing There!” The crowd is in hysterics and I turn and say to an Eltonmaniac sitting next to me, “Welcome to 1964!” we left Madison Square Garden feeling satisfied, very satisfied indeed!: the Bitch was back and he brought Dr. Winston O’Boogie with him! 

I believe the person circled in red is Joe Pope based on my recollections of what he looked like and his story from above.

Elton John on Piano - Joe Pope in the audience
Elton John on Piano – Joe Pope in the audience

A wonderful poster that I bought from Mitch Axelrod, “The Beatles Cartoons” book author:

John Lennon and Elton John
John Lennon and Elton John

The very obscure 6 issues of the rare Joe Pope fanzine that followed his “Strawberry Fields” fanzine entitled “A Thousand Pages”- (…give or take a few!) I purchased these 6 issues on Ebay after I stumbled across them accidentally.

Did you get any of Joe’s fanzines?


6 thoughts on “John Lennon, Elton John and Joe Pope?

  1. Thanks for sharing this. Joe was a good friend and I shared some fun times with him. Highly intelligent with a wonderful sense of humor. His MMT conventions at Boston’s Bradford Hotel were the best! Joe is dearly missed,

    1. Yes, those early conventions were fantastic and Joe was such a fun-loving person with that great sense of humor. I remember at his first convention I was able to see the “Magical Mystery Tour” Film for the first time. The memorabilia dealer rooms had fantastic original Beatles memorabilia, not the reproductions that are commonly seen at many record conventions of today. Of course part of the appeal was that we were all very young and it was exciting seeing all of this “stuff” gathered in one location. Very exciting, indeed!

  2. Love this. Keep up the excellent work.

    1. Thank you, Paul! Very kind of you!

  3. Ohmy what a great article about my friend Joe Pope.I wrote occassionally for his fanzine And yes he helped me get a copy of I ME MINE.Thank You so much!

    1. Eddie, Joe is missed by all that knew him. It now seems so long ago for the pre-internet world in which were living in then to get our Beatles-related news! When Joe lived in Boston I used to speak quite frequently with him over the phone. Great personality with a good sense of humor. Will never forget him!

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