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Julian Lennon and Ringo

SIGNED BOOK FROM 1968 – obtained on eBay a few years ago – with Julian Lennon and Ringo “Uncle Ritchie” Signatures

The UK Beatles Hunter Davies biography first edition
The UK Beatles Hunter Davies biography first edition

A close-up of the Beatles biography in the UK signed by none other than Ringo Starr and a 5-year-old Julian Lennon. The book was inscribed to a Mrs. Read who was either a Beatles collector or possibly an educator or teacher who may have also been a Beatles fan. You will see why I speculate this in a further signed document shown below written by George Harrison’s sister-in-law! It appears that this book must have been signed by both Ringo and Julian while Ringo was visiting John at the Kenwood Weybridge estate.

Signed in 1968?

It is fitting that this book from 1968 is signed by both Ringo and Julian. During this year, the Beatles recorded the Lennon lullaby that John wrote for Julian, entitled “Good Night.” It was Ringo who sang the lead vocal on the track!

Check it out

The note from the 5-year-old Julian Lennon and his uncle Ringo Starr to Mrs. Read!

The Signatures of Ringo Starr and Julian Lennon
The Signatures of Ringo Starr and Julian Lennon

It seems that Mrs. Read must have been either a Beatles collector or possibly a teacher as not only did Ringo and Julian sign and inscribe the Beatles book for her, but Pauline Harrison who was the wife of George’s brother, wrote the following note to Mrs. Read in 1968. 

This note was also obtained on eBay!

Was able to obtain an invitation that Julian sent out for his 4th birthday party: Julian was obviously just learning to write as he dropped the letter “A” in his first name! Obtained this invitation on eBay!

invitation that Julian sent out for his 4th birthday party
invitation that Julian sent out for his 4th birthday party

A signed photo of a young Julian Lennon with his dad at their home in Weybridge. Julian Lennon signed this photo when he was an adult!

Julian Signed this photo of him with his dad, John
Julian Signed this photo of him with his dad, John

The special single that Julian and James Scott Cook cut as a tribute to Julian’s childhood friend, Lucy Vodden who passed away from Lupus at age 46. Ironically, James Scott Cook’s grandmother was also named Lucy, and she too had Lupus. The single was called “Lucy” and contained a reproduction of the original sketch that Julian Lennon did as a 4-year-old that inspired his dad to write “Lucy in the Sky With Diamonds.” Julian randomly signed about 200 of the reproductions to accompany the single and a few years ago I was able to obtain one. The original drawing that Julian Lennon did is supposedly now owned by former Pink Floyd member, David Gilmour!

Julian's Original Drawing of Lucy in the Sky With Diamonds from his tribute single
Julian’s Original Drawing of Lucy in the Sky With Diamonds from his tribute single

A more recent picture of Ringo and Julian that Julian posted on his website after seeing Ringo at one of his live performances!

Julian and Uncle Ringo
Julian and Uncle Ringo

Hope you liked this post? Let me know in the comments.


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rock 'n' roll circus

In December of 1968, a supergroup was put together for the Rolling Stones’ Rock ‘n’ Roll Circus film with John Lennon of the Beatles as the rhythm guitarist and vocalist, Keith Richards of the Rolling Stones on bass guitar, Eric Clapton from the former Cream on lead guitar and Mitch Mitchell of the Jimi Hendrix Experience on drums! Yoko was also featured on one of the numbers that the band played with classical violinist, Ivry Gitlis. The group received the name “The Dirty Mac.”

The Signed Drumhead from Mitch Mitchell

The picture above is a signed drumhead from the late Mitch Mitchell, who passed away in 2008 from several medical issues he had been suffering from. I purchased the drumhead several years ago on eBay for two reasons: The “To John” personalization (not to me) and his membership in that fabled one-off supergroup. Unfortunately, the video and program of the performance at the Circus were kept unreleased for several decades until it was finally issued on VHS and DVD formats by ABKCO, the owners of the footage. This was the company that was owned by Allen Klein. After its initial release, there was a special edition released which featured outtakes performed by the many acts that did not make the original final cut. One of the highlights for me of the outtakes was hearing the Dirty Mac rehearse a version of “Revolution.”

Little did I know at the time of the purchase of the drumhead there was another M. Mitchell/ Lennon connection. In 1965/66 when John’s dad, Freddie had recorded his own 45 record of “That’s My Life, That’s My Love and My Home” b/w “The Next Time You Feel Important” to associate himself with his son’s incredible fame, many people did not know that two of the backing musicians on the Freddie Lennon 45 were none other than Mitch Mitchell and Noel Redding. These two guys were to eventually join Jimi Hendrix in making musical history.

Including a few YouTube links for you to join in on their merriment!

The Dirty Mac – “Yer Blues”

“Whole Lotta Yoko”

“Revolution” (Rehearsal)

The rare Dutch Version of the Freddie Lennon song featuring Mitch Mitchell and Noel Redding as backing musicians:

“That’s My Life” by Freddie Lennon

The DVD and CD releases of the Rock and Roll Circus material appear to be on sale in both eBay and Amazon locations.

Get The DVD and/ or CD From Amazon:

Rock ‘n’ Roll Circus Book

Rock 'n' Roll Circus Book
Rock ‘n’ Roll Circus Book

Here is some of the genius of Mitch Mitchell.

Have you seen the Rock ‘n’ Roll Circus? What did you think of the band? Some supergroup, eh?

Let me know what you think in the comments below!


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June Furlong and Helen Anderson – Memories From The ’50s 

Helen Anderson's sketch of John Lennon

A Spotlight on June Furlong and Helen Anderson

When John’s mom, Julia, was killed in 1958, he was justifiably very depressed. Following this event at the Art School, the Liverpool model, June Furlong, who often posed for art students such as Helen Anderson, Cynthia Lennon, and John, recalls a story of John following the death of his mom. He was walking near an open elevator shaft at the school and June noticed the severely depressed mood John was in and tried to talk him out of his despair, and got him away from the elevator shaft and if memory serves me correctly, she encouraged John to have a drink to get his mind away from the sadness he was experiencing.

 June speaks highly of John in her book which is pictured and mentioned below!

Helen Anderson, John’s art school classmate and who is also a member of this blog, is interviewed along with June Furlong, in this YouTube piece.

Helen Anderson is a wonderful, very talented person, who I often communicate with via email. She does wonderful sketches among many other artistic pursuits. I have acquired one of her sketches of John for my collection. Some great information about Helen is provided at this site: Helen Anderson – Helen Anderson Designs

Helen Anderson’s Sketch of John Lennon

Here is an edited abbreviated version of the sketch Helen did of John with the glasses that helped him with his terrible vision and his prominent Roman nose!  I was able to obtain from her the full sketch signed by her which made me very happy. I still want to obtain a copy of the hat that she designed for John which he wore prominently in the “Help” film. She offers the hat for sale on her website at the link just above

I am trying to encourage Helen to write her memoirs and to record her memories for posterity, and I am pleased to say that she seems genuinely motivated and anxious to do so.

Helen Anderson's Drawing of John Lennon
Helen Anderson’s Drawing of John Lennon

This is June Furlong’s book published in 2000 by AMPL. detailing her life in Liverpool and her long modeling career. She passed away in November of 2020 at the age of 90.

June a Life Study about June Furlong
June a Life Study about June Furlong

The back cover of the June Furlong book co-written with Jill Block:

June a Life Study about June Furlong
June a Life Study about June Furlong


Want to find out more about John Lennon?

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The Sad Legacy of “Fame” and “Living on Borrowed Time”

Andy Newmark signing Borrowed Time

Two of the signatures of musicians that were on the original recording of “Borrowed Time” appear here on sheet music of one of the final songs that John Lennon would ever write. The song would appear posthumously on the LP Milk and Honey. The photo below is the sheet music with the sad revelation that we all indeed are “Living on Borrowed Time.” The printed signature of Double Fantasy and Milk and Honey drummer, Andy Newmark, appears on the sheet music, and one of the lead guitarists that was on the original track, Earl Slick, also signed the piece.

The poignant aspects of this song are revealed by Double Fantasy producer, Jack Douglas, who in several interviews after John’s death stated that John believed he would pass away at a young age. There are also stories that Jack deleted a specific studio tape that upset him so much that he felt compelled to erase it because of what John states on the tape. (Only Jack knows what was said on that erased tape).

The other lead guitarist on “Borrowed Time” was Hugh McCracken who is now deceased. Earl Slick was also to play on the recording of David Bowie’s song “Fame” in 1975, where John Lennon was given a songwriting credit for Bowie’s first 45 to reach #1. 

The signed sheet music was obtained by me on eBay.

Sheet Music for "Borrowed Time"
Sheet Music for “Borrowed Time”

The provenance of the authenticity of the signatures is provided here being signed by Andy Newmark – photo provided by the seller:

Andy Newmark signing "Borrowed Time"
Andy Newmark signing “Borrowed Time”

Sheet music of Earl Slick signing the sheet music provided by the seller:

Earl Slick signing Borrowed Time
Earl Slick signing Borrowed Time


John Lennon Books at The Beatles Bookstore

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Country Life Magazine

This story was just so good, that I had to pass it on: a piece of McCartney magic. Peter Hicks sent me this fascinating article written a while back by Angela Leighton Jones on behalf of Peter Hodgson about the Feb 4, 1954 issue of Country Life magazine which featured a picture of the Sussex Paul McCartney home long before he purchased it.

The story was captivating to me. The tale revolves around Peter Hodgson’s search for the magazine in question shown below and who sold him the copy that he was looking for.

I would like to thank Peter Hicks for bringing this magazine to my attention as I was also able to find a copy of the issue thanks to him. Found the magazine on the great book search service of Abe Books. Also a debt of gratitude owed to Peter Hodgson for his delightful story of this unique magazine cover and the obscure Lennon connection to the wonderful McCartney story.

This is Peter Hodgson’s story around a quest to find an original copy of a magazine that he saw on the fridge in the kitchen of Paul McCartney’s Hog Hill Recording Studios. It appears as sent to me by Peter Hicks:

Monday the 27th of March 1995 Peter Hodgson stood in the kitchen of Hog Hill while Paul McCartney was making him a cup of tea. Amidst the excitement of playing musical instruments with one of his heroes Paul McCartney, he noticed, stuck to the fridge with a magnet a copy of the front page of an old  Country Life magazine that featured the actual Windmill and house.

Peter was intrigued but didn’t think to take a closer look to see the date of the magazine, although it was a really old edition.

“However, since that date twenty-eight years ago, all Peter had managed to find was a bad-quality scanned copy of the front cover of the said magazine which he retrieved about four years ago.

That was until last week when he found on eBay his very own original copy of that edition of Country Life magazine edition, February 4th, 1954.

“Peter was keen to hear if the seller – a Mr. William Benzie – knew the significance of the front cover of the magazine and the fact the windmill now belonged to Paul McCartney.

Peter was surprised when Mr. Benzie said he was unaware. Peter then handed Mr. Benzie the money for the old magazine and was really pleased with himself. Then just as Pete thought the day couldn’t get any better, Mr Benzie disclosed the fact that it was his father who had taught John Winston Lennon Geography at Quarry Bank School. His father was Gordon Jeavons Benzie a Geography teacher at Quarry Bank School.

I guess you couldn’t write it!

WASN’T THAT AN AMAZING STORY BY MR. PETER HODGSON?? And a thank you again to Angela Leighton Jones for putting the article together.


Country Life Magazine
Country Life Magazine

A magazine from 1954 belonging to one of John Lennon’s teachers in the 1950s featuring a picture of Hog Hill Mill which thirty years later would become the recording studio for John’s bandmate Paul. Johns’ teacher Gordon Benzie would have acquired the magazine sixty-nine years ago not knowing that he too would play a small part in the journey.

The magazine is now on display at the Liverpool Beatles Museum in Mathew Street, Liverpool.


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John Lennon by Peter Max

Many people do not realize that Peter Max, the celebrated pop artist, was approached by the Beatles to be involved with the Yellow Submarine film project. John Lennon had called him directly to work on the project. However, the project would require his committing to be in Europe for a 17-month period which he was not willing to do. It was Peter Max who recommended that Heinz Edelmann take the reins.

Much of this story is provided at the Park West Gallery link shown below. The link below provides a photo of the Peter Max piano that Ringo signed for him and it also discloses/ reveals that Heinz Edelmann’s business cards identified him as the “German Peter Max.” This may help to explain why many people were convinced that Peter had been involved with Yellow Submarine’s production. Edelmann’s work on Yellow Submarine certainly had similar properties to Peter Max’s artistic style. Peter Max and The Beatles: Friends, Artists, Icons of the 1960s (

In 2002, New Life Magazine asked Peter Max to do the four Beatles as separate covers for their magazine. Each issue featured a pull-out poster of the issue’s respective Beatle. Finding all four of these issues is not easy and usually is expensive. Luckily, I was able to obtain a set at a very reasonable cost on eBay. Sometimes the price that you pay on eBay is being fortunate to be at the right place at the right time.

Here are the four New Life Beatles covers with the Peter Max design:

The Beatles and Peter Max
John Lennon on New Life by Peter Max
Paul McCartney on New Life
Paul McCartney on New Life by Peter Max
George Harrison on New Life
George Harrison on New Life by Peter Max
Ringo Starr on New Life by Peter Max
Ringo Starr on New Life by Peter Max

My Peter Max signature in one of the books concerning his artwork:

Peter Max signature
Peter Max Signature
The Art of Peter Max
The Art of Peter Max

When Ringo Starr visited Peter Max in his studio, he signed the music stand on Peter’s piano:

Ringo's signature to Peter Max
Ringo’s signature to Peter Max

Hope you like these covers?


More Artwork at The Beatles Bookstore