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Beatles In New York? Dear Sir or Madam, Will You Write This Book?

Beatles In New York: John Lennon and Paul McCartney, with Mal Evans, Arrive in New York. Photo by Fred W McDarragh
Beatles in New York: John Lennon and Paul McCartney, with Mal Evans, Arrive in New York. Photo by Fred W McDarragh

Above photo: Beatles in New York: John Lennon and Paul McCartney, with Mal Evans, Arrive in New York. Photo by Fred W McDarragh

Start Spreading the News……..New York, New York

A book that needs to be published and many would be interested in seeing it. I sincerely hope that someone out there can acquire the appropriate rights to do a project such as this:

John and Paul of The Beatles in New York to announce Apple in 68!!!

When this blog began it was noted that as well as showing rare Beatles-related books and magazines, a few posts would appear speculating as to what books were needed or would present a good story both visually and verbally.

One book I have always longed for, and that I hope someone can undertake, is a detailed study of John and Paul’s trip in 1968 to announce Apple. There are many fans that took their own photos and would need to give permission for their use in the book.

John and Paul gave a press conference at the  Apple announcement and people that were there can give their accounts of the event.

Beatles Fan Photos

John and Paul, along with Neil Aspinall, and a few others took a walk in Central Park and there are fan photos that exist. I am sure there are some amusing stories from that walk that must survive as well.

The Tonight Show

The Tonight Show with John and Paul was erased by NBC but some 8-millimeter footage still exists. The entire audio of the show survives. There must be some great recollections of that show that survive from members of the stage crew or even from members of the audience.

John and Paul also visited the apartment of Brian Epstein’s attorney, Nat Weiss, and stayed with him at his apartment. Photos survive of the door that John and Paul signed at the apartment with possibly the largest autographs they ever made in their lifetime.

Lennon and McCartney

Many photos exist of Lennon and McCartney, along with Mal Evans, and many others of the Beatles contingent, like Ron Kass, on a Chinese junk that circled Manhattan. The business of Apple was discussed there and if there are any survivors from that junket to tell their stories accompanied by the photos, it would be a great way to bring the book to a close. Sure hope someone takes on the task one day!

Any other books that you would like to be published that haven’t already been covered? Let me know in the comments below.


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